Contributi ai congressi nazionali e internazionali
Laureanti, R.; Bilucaglia, M.; Zito, M.; Circi, R.; Fici, A.; Rivetti, F.; Valesi, R.; Oldrini, C.; Mainardi, L. T.; Russo, V. (2020). Emotion assessment using Machine Learning and low-cost wearable devices. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, 2020, 2020-July, pp. 576-579, On line first. doi: 10.1109/EMBC44109.2020.9175221
Gabrielli, G.; Bilucaglia, M.; Zito, M.; Laureanti, R.; Caponetto, A.; Circi, R.; Fici, A.; Rivetti, R.; Valesi, R.; Galanto, A.; Senoner, G.; Russo, V. (2020). Neurocoaching: exploring the relationship between coach and coachee by means of bioelectrical signal similarities. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, 2020, 2020-July, pp. 3184-3187, On line first. doi: 10.1109/EMBC44109.2020.9176497
Bilucaglia, M., Laureanti, R., Zito, M., Circi, R., Fici, A., Rivetti, F., Valesi, R., Wahl, S., Russo, V. (2019). Looking through blue glasses: bioelectrical measures to assess the awakening after a calm situation. IEEE Xplore, On line first. Doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2019.8856486
Russo, V.; Fici, A.; Zito, M.; Gabrielli, G. (2019). 2019. “The theatre of the mind”: the effect of radio exposition on tv advertising. pp.112-113. In Data Science & Social Research 2019: Book of Abstracts - ISBN:9788894312096
Russo, V.; Zito, M.; Gabrielli, G. (2019). Human resources in neuromanagement: an added value to job assessment. In Data science & social research 2019: book of abstracts - ISBN:978889431209
Verhulst, N., Slabbinck, H., Vermeir, I., Mauri, M., & . (2017). Self-service technology or an employee? That’s the question: A neuroscientific approach. Presented at the Frontiers in Services Conference 2017.
M. Mauri, L. Petruzzellis, A. Pezzi, M. Chiappa, A. Ciceri, V. Russo. “Sense Effects about Wine Consumption by Means of Self-Reports and Neuromarketing Methods”. Proceedings of 7th European Business Research Conference 15 - 16 December 2016, University of Roma Tre, Rome, Italy. ISBN: 978-1-925488-203-4 (winner of the best paper awards).
Ciceri A., Songa G., Mauri M., Cattaneo A., Russo V. “Come comunicare il vino italiano in Cina: il contributo di una ricerca neuroscientifica”, in , 17-19 September, 2015, Palermo, Italy.
Mauri M., Ciceri A, Songa G., Sirca F., Zambarbieri D., Gabrielli G., Russo V. “Valutazione della comunicazione pubblicitaria via carta, tablet PC e internet attraverso l`applicazione di tecniche di tradizionali di riconoscimento mnestico e tecniche di neuromarketing basate su eye-tracking ed elettroencefalografia”, in , 17-19 September, 2015, Palermo, Italy.
Vaiciukynaite E., Russo V., Mauri M. “New Directions for Consumers’ Sociability Research in the Virtual Environment from the Neuromarketing Perspective. Does it Mean “Butterfly effect”?. In Proceedings of Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia sociale Palermo, 17-19 September, 2015, Palermo, Italy.
Russo V., Songa G., Capoferri V., Ciceri A., Mauri M. “Observing Consumer Responses with the Frontal EEG Alpha Asymmetry Index during Food Tasting: a Neuromarketing study. In Proceedings of Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia sociale Palermo, 17-19 September, 2015, Palermo, Italy.
Russo V., “Comportamenti di consumo, comunicazione e neuro marketing: nuove strategie di studio nel campo del marketing emozionale. In , 17-19 September, 2015, Palermo, Italy.
Gabrielli G., Ciceri A., Russo V. “Gestione della crisi e leadership: un confronto tra organizzazioni militari e civili. In , 17-19 September, 2015, Palermo, Italy.
Russo V., Bustreo M., Sciangula C., Jabes D., Mauri M. “La formazione dei dottorndi di ricerca all’imprenditorialità: promuovere le competenze trasversali con percorsi d’aula e tecniche di biofeedback. In , 17-19 September, 2015, Palermo, Italy.
Missaglia A., Ciceri A., Mauri M., Sirca F., Russo V. “Gender discrimination and social communication: a neuromarketing research”.In Proceedings of 14th European Congress of Psychology, 7-10 July, 2015, Milan, Italy.
Mauri M., Ciceri A., Songa G., Missaglia A., Sirca F., Onorati F., Russo V. “Evaluating 3 social campaigns: an empirical study with neuroscientific approach”. In Proceedings of 14th European Congress of Psychology, 7-10 July ,2015, Milan, Italy.
Ciceri A., Songa G., Chiappa M., Mauri M., Bellotto M. “Wine label and consumer evaluations. Findings from an eye tracking study”. In Proceedings of 14th European Congress of Psychology, 7-10 July, 2015, Milan, Italy.
Zambarbieri D., Mauri M., Ciceri A., Songa G., Missaglia A., Sirca F., Onorati F., Russo V. “Integration of traditional and innovative methods in studying advertisements via paper, tablet and website: a neuromarketing experiment”. In Proceedings of 14th European Congress of Psychology, 7-10 July, 2015, Milan, Italy.
Bustreo M., Russo V., Ciceri A., Re A. (2014). “Offerta turistico-alberghiera e sostenibilità. Un’analisi neuroscientifica dei processi decisionali nei percorsi di navigazione on line”.In Salute, cultura, intergenerazionalità, 11 October, 2014, Brescia, Italy.
A., Russo V., Songa G., Zavarrone E. (2014), “Analysis of media effectiveness in conveying advertisement by means of EEG, Eye Tracker and recognition task”. In National conference on: Excellence in quality, statistical quality control and customer satisfaction. 18-19 September, 2014, Turin, Italy.
Mauri M., Ciceri A., Songa G., Onorati F., Sirca F., Russo V. (2014). “Comunicazione Sociale, Emozioni e Differenze Di Genere: Un’analisi Neuroscientifica e Di Neuromarketing Di Uno Spot Sociale, Fare ricerca in psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni: qualità scientifica e impatto sociale, , 19-20 September, 2014, Cesena, Italy.
Russo V., Ferraresi M., Ciceri A., Songa G., Onorati F., Sirca F., Mauri M. (2014). “Canali mediatici e efficacia pubblicitaria: un confronto tra carta stampata, tablet e sito web con tecniche di Neuromarketing, Fare ricerca in psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni: qualità scientifica e impatto sociale”, , 19-20 September, 2014, Cesena, Italy.
M., Ciceri A., Songa G., Sirca F., Onorati F., Russo V. “The effects of social communication: a research study on neuroscientific techniques application”. Proceedings of Measuring Behavior Conference, 27-29 August, 2014, Wageningem, Holland.
V., Ferraresi M., Ciceri A., Songa G., Onorati F., Sirca F., Mauri M. “Integration of traditional and innovative methods in studying adv effectiveness via paper, tablet and website: a neuromarketing experiment”. Proceedings of Measuring Behavior Conference, 27-29 August, 2014, Wageningem, Holland.
Russo V., Ferraresi M., Mauri M., Songa G., Ciceri A., Missaglia A., Onorati F., Sirca F. “Eye-Tracking, Facial expression analyses, neuro and psychophysiological reactions in consumer behaviour studies: integration between new tools and traditional ones”. Proceedings of Measuring Behavior Conference, 27-29 August, 2014, Wageningem, Holland.
M., Missaglia A., Ciceri A., Sirca F., Russo V. “Social Advertising Evaluation in males and females by means of eye-Tracking, electroencephalography, automatic facial expressions recognition and self-reports”. Proceedings of 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, July 8-12, 2014, Paris, France.
M. Mauri, F. Onorati, R. Barbieri, L. Mainardi, F. Sirca, A. Missaglia, A. Oppo, A. Ciceri & V. Russo (2013),”Tecniche di indagine neuro-psicofisiologica & di tracciamento dello sguardo per la misurazione degli stati emotivi e di attenzione” , in Atti del Simposio su Metodi di ricerca per lo studio dei consumi alimentari tra tradizione e innovazione. A cura di Vincenzo Russo- Congresso AIP Associazione Italiana di Psicologia – Padova 24-27 settembre 2013.
A. Missaglia, M. Mauri, A. Ciceri & V. Russo (2013). “L’uso delle tecniche di Eye Tracking in ambito di psicologia dei consumi” in Product meeting NOLDUS presso Università di Verona 12 aprile 2013.
M. Mauri, F. Onorati, V. Russo, L. Mainardi, R. Barbieri, "Autobiographical recall of emotions correlating with different psychophysiological patterns", Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Child and Teen Consumption, Milan, December 11 – 14, 2012.
M. Mauri, V. Russo, R. Manzotti, P. Moderato. "Proposta di un modello applicato per lo studio dei fenomeni emotivi e attentivi durante l’ esposizione a stimoli audiovisivi", Atti dell’ Ottavo Convegno Nazionale AISC (Associazione Italiana di Scienze Cognitive); Milano, Italia; 1 – 2 Dicembre 2011.
M. Mauri, F. Onorati, V. Russo. "Eye-Tracking recordings and psychophysiological reactions versus expressed opinions about advertising spots", Proceedings of 23rd Sinergie Annual Congress on Corporate Governance and Strategic Communication, November 10 – 11, 2011; Milan, Italy.
M. Mauri, F. Onorati, V. Russo. "Eye-Tracking e reazioni psicofisiologiche combinate con opinioni espresse in merito a spot pubblicitari”, Atti del Convegno Nazionale AIP (Associazione Italiana di Psicologia) Sezione Psicologia delle Organizzazioni: Senso e Prospettive dell’ Applicare, Nuove Declinazioni della Psicologia del Lavoro e delle Organizzazioni"; Milano, Italia; 13 – 14 Ottobre, 2011.
M. Mauri, F. Onorati, V. Russo. "Psychophysiological and Eye-Tracking recordings while watching brand flyers: a Neuromarketing Experiment", Poster presentation at IAREP (International Association for Research in Economic Psychology) Conference; Exeter, United Kingdom; July 12 – 16, 2011.
Y. Ostrovsky, M. Mauri, L. Citi, C. E. Preda, P. Cipresso, R. Barbieri, M. Saccani and C. Lenti; “Gaze and emotional response in visual research tasks involving faces within scenes in autistic individuals: a study combining psychophysiological and eye-tracking measures”, 27th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; New York, USA; October 28 - 31, 2010.
V. Magagnin, M. Mauri, P. Cipresso, L. Mainardi, E. N. Brown, S. Cerutti, M. Villamira and R. Barbieri; “Heart Rate Variability and respiratory sinus arrhythmia assessment of affective states by bivariate autoregressive spectral analysis”, Computing in Cardiology Conference; Belfast, Northern Ireland; September 26 - 29, 2010 (
M. Mauri, V. Magagnin, P. Cipresso, L. Mainardi, E. N. Brown, S. Cerutti, M. Villamira and R. Barbieri; “Psychophysiological signals associated with affective states”, 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; Buenos Aires, Argentina; August 31 - September 4, 2010.
M. Mauri, P. Cipresso, M. Villamira; “Psychophysiological reactions and pupil dilation during stress and relaxation”, 14th International Biofeedback Conference 2010; Rome, Italy; April 13 - 17, 2010.